
She was judged … she did it anyway
Okay, this one really hits close to home, something I am sure many of us have endured more often than we should, painful reminders, however, we become stronger for having survived them. I am more than my body… At various times of my life, I have been faced with...
She was overwhelmed … she did it anyway
Have you ever had so much happening in your life that it felt too much? That you can’t make sense of it all? Don’t know what to do? Who to turn too? And just want to make it all disappear? Yep, I have, and always at the worst possible time. Life… Life isn’t easy,...
Her heart was broken … she did it anyway
Have you ever had your heart broken? I have, and I write this blog as I mourn and grieve the loss of someone very special in my life and my hope is, my words will help become a healing tool for you as it will be for me. I wasn’t prepared… When you are mentally...
It made her cry …… she did it anyway
Have you ever been hurt, shamed, ignored, rejected, or made to feel that your feelings aren’t valid? If you’re answer is “no”, please let me know who you are because I’m coming to live with you! I cry…. When things get a little too much, a bit overwhelming, the stress...
She made mistakes……she did it anyway
Have you ever had those moments where you think “why oh why did I do that? what was I thinking? I messed up!” This is normally followed by instant regret, disappointment – at yourself of course – then “I knew I shouldn’t have done that” well, I’ve said this many...
They said she couldn’t do it, she did it anyway
Have you ever had someone tell you “You can’t do it”, “you’re dreaming”, “you’re not good enough” …. I have, many times, and it hurts! You can’t do it… What a year it has already been. So many difficult challenges, so many hard days, sadness, loss, disasters, illness,...
Your thoughts become things
Getting into a business can be a daunting process: there are many things to consider, but do not back away from pursuing your idea, after all life is a total process of learning, growing, trying new things, informing yourself, growing your brainpower and resilience as...
When life gives you lemons …. make lemonade
"When life gives you lemons, make lemonade," we have all heard this expression at one time or another, but what does that mean in action on the ground? For me it means turning a situation around to suit me, or to say it another way, if I am given a dud, I look at it...
Like minded individuals
I choose the people I want to work with – like minded individuals who lift me up and inspire me to learn and grow – they enrich me. I lead not follow. Life is too short, and time is precious. I build the table and invite others to join, not wait for crumbs. I am...
The freedom to create a ‘good life’
I can contribute to my community knowing it is my contribution that can make changes – and that is empowering. My business will create social outcomes like employment for family and community, promote our culture and our region. Importantly we as business owners can...

Unleashing Kimberley Indigenous women's economic empowerment for self-determination.
A Kimberley Indigenous Women’s led grassroots initiative nurturing, championing and supporting Kimberley Indigenous Women in Business (aspiring, emerging, established and growing).
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Business Club Captain
Natasha Short
Maganda Makers Business Club Captain and Managing Director of Kimberley Jiyigas
Phone // 0409 156 756

Business Club Manager
Cindy Mitchell
Indigenous Women’s Entrepreneurship Program Director, Good Return