
Maganda Makers Business Club Artwork
The footsteps signify walking and navigating through business. The green boab represents the Kimberley and wealth. The coolamon signifies nurture through Maganda Makers. Women gathering this is reflecting the camps and workshops that Maganda Makers holds, and the other circle is representing a ripple effect through women supporting each other through the Maganda Makers Business Club. The red is for power, and the designs are signifying the journey of Aboriginal women and storytelling and sharing.
To view more of Jodie’s work, visit … https://www.facebook.com/

Unleashing Kimberley Indigenous women’s economic empowerment for self-determination.
A Kimberley Indigenous Women’s led grassroots initiative nurturing, championing and supporting Kimberley Indigenous Women in Business (aspiring, emerging, established and growing).
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Business Club Captain
Natasha Short
Maganda Makers Business Club Captain and Managing Director of Kimberley Jiyigas
Phone // 0409 156 756
Maganda Makers Community App

Cindy Mitchell
Indigenous Women’s Entrepreneurship Program Director, Good Return
Email // cindy@goodreturn.org