Club Connectors
Club Connectors are Kimberley Indigenous Women (KIW) who connect members or potential members to each other and the club through continued engagement via monthly Yarning Circles.
The role and purpose of Club Connectors is to reach and build relationships with KIW in their local communities who may be aspiring, emerging, or established entrepreneurs/businesswomen. Club Connectors nurture, champion and support club members to take action and implement what they need to; no matter what stage of their business journey they may be at. They play a vital role in preventing club members from feeling disengaged or neglected.
Encouraging club members to share their entrepreneurial dreams and stories, will assist Club Connectors to navigate the steps, actions, and support systems that are needed for their businesses to start, grow or scale.
Appointed Club Connectors are also in business or have run their own business/es, are passionate about seeing other Maganda Makers flourish, and are inspirational KIW.

Quote: John F Kennedy

Club Connectors
Club Connectors
East Kimberley

Tanya McLean
West Kimberley

Yisah Bin Omar

Monique Le Lievre

Bronwyn Travers
Residing out of the Kimberley

Karen Tari
Email // karen@magandamakers.business
Phone // 0481 799 130
Perth-based, supporting Club members residing outside the Kimberley
Email // karen@magandamakers.business
Phone // 0481 799 130
Perth-based, supporting Club members residing outside the Kimberley

Candice Ferris
Email // candice@magandamakers.business
Phone // 0468 437 751
Perth-based, supporting Club members residing outside the Kimberley
Email // candice@magandamakers.business
Phone // 0468 437 751
Perth-based, supporting Club members residing outside the Kimberley
Specialists and Club Ambassadors

Pat Torres
Email // admin@magandamakers.business
Phone // 0403 486 955
Bush Medicine + Botanicals Specialist and West Kimberley Club Ambassador
Email // admin@magandamakers.business
Phone // 0403 486 955
Bush Medicine + Botanicals Specialist and West Kimberley Club Ambassador

Cissy Gore-Birch
Email // admin@magandamakers.business
Phone // 0407 550 038
Cultural Tourism Specialist and East Kimberley Club Ambassador
Email // admin@magandamakers.business
Phone // 0407 550 038
Cultural Tourism Specialist and East Kimberley Club Ambassador

Rowena Mouda
Email // admin@magandamakers.business
Mobile // 0408 854 318
Money Smarts/Bookkeeping Specialist and West Kimberley Club Ambassador
Email // admin@magandamakers.business
Mobile // 0408 854 318
Money Smarts/Bookkeeping Specialist and West Kimberley Club Ambassador

Unleashing Kimberley Indigenous women’s economic empowerment for self-determination.
A Kimberley Indigenous Women’s led grassroots initiative nurturing, championing and supporting Kimberley Indigenous Women in Business (aspiring, emerging, established and growing).
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Business Club Captain
Natasha Short
Maganda Makers Business Club Captain and Managing Director of Kimberley Jiyigas
Phone // 0409 156 756
Maganda Makers Community App

Business Club Manager
Cindy Mitchell
Indigenous Women’s Entrepreneurship Program Director, Good Return
Email // cindy@goodreturn.org