Business Yarning Circles (BYC)

Business Yarning Circles (BYC)

Business Yarning Circles (BYC) are for Club members, no matter the stage of your business journey. At a BYC you can seek support, problem solve and brainstorm in an informal setting, with a small group of other Kimberley Indigenous Women in Business. The BYC will be hosted in your township, go for about 90 minutes, and will be facilitated by a Maganda Makers Yarning Circle Host.

 Recent Yarning E-Circles

BROOME ‘Kimberley Dreamers’ Yarning Circle // Tues 27th June

Hosted by Broome Club Connector Monique Le Lievre

Little Local Cafe in Broome provided refreshments & their amazing space for us to yarn.

BROOME ‘Kimberley Dreamers’ Yarning Circle // Tues 27th July, 2023

Hosted by Broome Club Connector Monique Le Lievre

Little Local Cafe in Broome provided refreshments & their amazing space for us to yarn.

PERTH ‘Kimberley Dreamers’ Yarning Circle // 10th June, 2023

Hosted by Perth Club Connectors Karen Tari, and Candice Ferris

Sammy Wyborn Aboriginal Art & Cafe provided refreshments & her amazing space for us to yarn.

Upcoming Yarning E-Circles

Stay tuned for new Yarning Circles coming soon.

Unleashing Kimberley Indigenous women's economic empowerment for self-determination.

A Kimberley Indigenous Women’s led grassroots initiative nurturing, championing and supporting Kimberley Indigenous Women in Business (aspiring, emerging, established and growing)

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Business Club Captain

Natasha Short

Maganda Makers Business Club Captain and Managing Director of Kimberley Jiyigas

Phone // 0409 156 756 

Business Club Manager

Cindy Mitchell

Indigenous Women’s Entrepreneurship Program Director, Good Return 

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